Rain and fog

Its a rainy day in San Francisco and I have to say I am loving it. Although rain can be depressing, occasionally I enjoy the rain because it can be cleansing. San Francisco always seems cleaner when its raining, as if all the grime of the city gets washed away. The fog surrounding the city also makes it seem a bit more mysterious. I love seeing the hills of the city peeking out from the top of the fog and clouds.

The rain also forces me to stay inside, something I need to do if I am ever going to get all my studying done for my finals. There is something so nice about being cozy inside, watching the rain fall while drinking a cup of hot cocoa.

I used to love to play in the rain as a kid, especially when I lived in Arizona. It hardly rained in Phoenix, so when it did, it was somewhat of a treat. I’d love to walk around in my rain gear, exploring my desert landscaped neighborhood. Walking around in the rain and splashing in the in water, I felt very connected to nature. I loved the feeling that nature was so much grander than I was, it felt almost spiritual. Today that spiritual feeling stays with me, and whenever I see the rain I am brought back to my childhood.

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